Monday, 8 February 2016

Unravel OBI 12c RPD features

Installed the latest version of OBIEE 12c yet?  If yes, then you would have totally been yapping about the cool data visualizations available from Visual Analyzer.
Also by default with Oracle BI 12c, sample repository is provided having best practices for modelling many different types of objects. A basic version of rpd is already installed as the default repository.
But if you want to start building your own rpd and start seeing some reports, there are some facts you should be aware of.
RPD deployment option is no longer available in 12c EM (as in when compared with 11g).
Below are some repository commands required for rpd deployment, but before that let's look at a pre-fix to be performed before using those commands.

This command is used to run any of new command line tools (including for upload/download) of rpd.
However there is a certain "ClassNotFoundException" message that appears in command box when run on windows (no issues for Linux installation).
A simple fix as per the Oracle docs for this would be to copy the "bi-commandline-tools.jar" from the full server installation (in this case it's Linux machine location: "Oracle_Home/bi/lib")
 Navigate to OBIEE Client installation and paste it in "Oracle_Home/bi/lib"

Go to the following link to read more about the pre-fix: Error when running data-model-cmd.cmd Launcher Script

'RPD download command'
Using this command OBIEE 12c repository is downloaded to the desired location. RPD modelling/backup can be performed.
'downloadrpd' command takes the following parameters:
downloadrpd -O RPDname [-W RPDpwd] -SI service_instance -U cred_username [-P cred_password] [-S hostname] [-N port_number] [-SSL] [-H]
‘-O’ specifies the location/rpd name where repository is to be downloaded (miscorrection in Oracle docs)
‘SI’ specifies the service instance. Finds its name at /user_projects/domains/bi/bidata/service_instances/
Service Instance name can also be found by navigating to Administration tab in analytics page at the Presentation Catalog path
Go to the following link to read more: Download Repository Command

 Test and refine rpd (nqcmd) command:
After completion of work on repository, to run sample queries (sanity testing, not for heavy load testing) use the "nqcmd". This is an Oracle BI server utility available both on UNIX and Windows systems.
Navigate to: ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bi/bitools/bin
 Sample parameters used:
 nqcmd -dmy_dsn -umy_username [-pmy_password] -ssql_input_file -omy_result_file
 Go to the following link to read more: Using nqcmd to Test and Refine the Repository
RPD validaterpd Command:
It’s used to check the validity of all metadata objects in a repository. This utility performs the same validation checks as the consistency check manager in Admin tool performs.
The location of the validaterpd utility is:

 validaterpd utility takes the following parameters:
validaterpd {-R repository_name | -I input_file_pathname |
-D MDS_XML_document_directory} [-P repository_password] {-O output_txt_file_name |
-C output_csv_file_name | -X output_xml_file_name} [-8] [-F fixed_rpd_name] [-S] [-B]

Go to the following link to read more: Validaterpd Utility

 RPD Upload Command:
To upload the rpd to BI server, use the "uploadrpd" command (does not work if repository composed of MDS XML documents).
 ‘uploadrpd’ command takes the following parameters:
 uploadrpd -I <RPDname> [-W <RPDpwd>] -SI <service_instance> -U <cred_username> [-P <cred_password>] [-S <hostname>] [-N <port_number>] [-SSL] [-H]
‘I’ specifies location/name of repository you want to upload.
Linux Terminal

Windows Command prompt

Go to the following link to read more: Upload Repository Command

- Aniket
(These opinions are my own and not the views of my company)

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Oracle Visual Analyzer vs Tableau

Primarily usage of any BI tool would be to take operational data and based on the requirements convert them into meaningful knowledge.

Asking right questions coupled along with the accurate data, should be suffice for the analytics team to prepare the right content which would in turn provide more insights to business users about organization's current scenario. Identifying the gaps between the existing systems, to fill requirements for a new BI system is a must. It’s highly essential that vendors get a proper walk through about the businesses current requirement for their project.

Over the years there has been a significant shift in how companies want to access their data, with a demand from high power users to access more interactive styled type analysis, which would help them to provide an insight into their current scenario and prepare them into making better decisions if they have arrived at threshold of a crisis state.

Currently visualization plays a key role in relaying information. It also helps users to easily connect to actual data and understand the trend of their businesses.

The trick however lies in investing on right tools which is based on the current systems and actual business requirements.

Organizations having large scale enterprise deployments mostly prefer Oracle's BI capability in providing the right analysis. OBIEE's Visual Analyzer is an answer to Tableau, which is one of the best tools for data visualization.

OBIEE’s Visual Analyzer (VA) provides interactive style analysis, similar to a drag and drop feature, taking inputs and automatically creating compelling graphics.

VA Login Page

 Also login through analytics page: OBIEE 12c

OBIEE 12c has access to Visual Analyzer (VA), which has enhanced visualization along with data mashup feature.

Access to VA Projects

Access the existing VA projects by downloading OBIEE 12c for a better understanding, and easily start preparing own data visualization.

Based on user’s current system modelling, it just takes few minutes to prepare and view data, and discover patterns and see trends based on the content provided.

Visual Analyzers (VA) based reports

Tableau also, on the other hand provides an easy and quick way to display data in whatever form makes the patterns most visible. It provides a means to access interactive reports and also prepare, present and analyze business data without coding.

Tableau Reports

Users are provided with flexibility to create own set of dashboards and reports which help them in making key decisions surrounding their business. It allows companies to see and understand their data.

One of its key strength is that it can adapt well in terms of deployment across cloud and on premises as well. The static dashboard is replaced and it leverages the best practices for data visualization.

According to new Gartner report 2016, Oracle BI surprisingly doesn’t make up to the list since it doesn’t meet the inclusion criteria (see below link), however it doesn’t mean that it will also be excluded in the future years. In contrast Tableau still faces limitations in terms of support (when compared with Oracle BI), in area of data integration across data sources. It faces software limitations for complex deployments, something which is a must for any BI tool. In contrast Oracle has substantial footprint as well as visibility in terms of marketing and sales.

- Aniket Handoo
(These opinions are my own and not the views of my company)