Thursday, 21 July 2016

java.lang.RuntimeException: Missing resource: USER_NOT_PROVISIONED_MSG

This can be useful tip to many people who deal with FCM .

Administrator or a developer will receive null pointer exception in the FCM/ARM/SDM in EPM

Null pointer can be of many reasons but the log will give us more information on this .

[2016-07-21T02:10:23.044-05:00] [FinancialClose0] [ERROR] [] [oracle.apps.epm.sdm.ui] [tid: 11] [userId: hypadmin] [ecid: 00i_fPBLomEFw00Fzzw0w00001m00000nN,0:1] [APP: SDM#] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.apps.epm.fcm.common.ui.bean.common.CommonDialogBean] [SRC_METHOD: invokeErrorMessagebox] Missing resource: USER_NOT_PROVISIONED_MSG[[

java.lang.RuntimeException: Missing resource: USER_NOT_PROVISIONED_MSG

just some provisions were missing for the user to access the application .

Provide the necessary provisions to the user to make this work .